Birding 101

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Time & Place

  • Birding 101
    • Newport News Park Discovery Center

      March 23, 2024; April 6, 2024, 9 a.m.

      13560 Jefferson Avenue
      Newport News, VA 23603
    • Phone: 757-886-7912
      Highway Exit: 250B from I-64


Who-cooks-for-you, allll? Jay-jay! Peter-peter, potato-chip, chick-a-dee-dee! What do these random phrases have in common? They are all common mnemonics for bird songs that bird watchers use to identify a bird! Join a park ranger to learn about what makes bird watchers so "coo-coo" for bird watching. We'll learn some beginner bird watching skills, and go over common local bird species to get you started (you probably already know them). Then, we'll practice bird watching together outside the Discovery Center using binoculars and a field guide. Be sure to bring your own binoculars and field guide if you already have them! This program is recommended for ages 10+.Click here for details.