Lions Bridge Community Slideshow

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Time & Place

  • Lions Bridge Community Slideshow
    • Mary M. Torggler Fine Arts Center

      June 15 - October 6, 2024

      1 Avenue of the Arts
      Newport News, VA
    • Phone: (757) 594-0800
      Website: Click here to visit us online


In conjunction with A Grand Menagerie: The Sculpture of Anna Hyatt Huntington, the Torggler will present an expanding slideshow of images of community members at the Lions Bridge at Mariners’ Park, a beloved location for Newport News photoshoots of all kinds. Visitors are invited to submit digital images of themselves and their loved ones at the bridge as a testament to the importance of Hyatt Huntington’s iconic landmark within the community. Pull out those scrapbooks! Both historic and contemporary photos are welcome. Email your images to We are seeking images of community members at the bridge rather than photos of the bridge itself. Submissions will be added on a rolling basis to the MicroGallery, but we will continue to accept photos through August 1st.  Please keep in mind that the Lions Bridge is currently closed due to the City's dam improvement project. Click here for details.